Look Solutions cobra

$175 DAILY


Requires Slow, Regular, or Quick Fluid. $75 / jug.

The Cobra pushes the absolute limits of what's possible for water-based fog machines. Featuring two paralell pumps, an enormous heating coil and fine-tuned computer control, the Cobra can push more fog than any other Look Solutions machine.

Our Cobra comes in a tough Road case, making transportation worry-free.

This fogger uses Look Solution’s proprietary fluid. It comes in three distinct blends - Slow Fluid, Regular, or Quick Fluid. Slow Fluid will hang around and takes a while to dissipate - great for sourcey, long lasting exterior fog banks. Quick fluid will vanish quickly, making it a great option for low lying fog or steam sources. Regular fluid features the best of both worlds. Remember to ask for extra jugs, when you pick up your fogger!

With the Cobra's powerful internal processor, you can control a plethora of settings and inputs, from DMX and remote control, to timer curves and output detailing.

Recommended Transport: Standard truck/car.